Vrai ou Faux

Dogs have no concept of time: True or false?

Les chiens n’ont pas la notion du temps: Vrai ou faux ?
It is common to hear that dogs have no sense of time. But is it really true? In reality, this is a misconception . Dogs do own a perception of time , although it differs from ours.
It is unlikely to see a dog look at his best rolex to check if he is late for his walk. However, it happens frequently to come home from work and find your malou who was already waiting behind the door. How is it possible ?
Dogs use other sensory cues to situate oneself in time, markers that we, as humans, have difficulty in detecting. THE smells , the pressure atmospheric , the sounds and even the brightness are all cues that dogs use to find your bearings during the day . For example, the ambient smell at noon is different from that in the evening, in particular because of the fumes from the plants.
malinois longe city

The dog partner SO many parameters at a specific time of day and memorize them . When an event repeats itself regularly, the dog makes the association between these settings And the event in question. So, he can anticipate this event when the same clues show up again.

Take the example of a usual walk. If you are used to taking your Malinois out at a specific time each day, he will associate this time specific enjoy the ride . THE smells , the sounds and other sensory cues present at that time will trigger in him a anticipation of the event future. This is why it may seem that your dog “knows” when it's time for the walk.

It is important to emphasize that the perception of time in dogs is different from ours. They do not understand time units such as hours or minutes. Their perception is based more on daily routines and the associations of sensory cues .

malinois gives paw

This ability of dogs, including Malinois, to use their sensory environment to find one's bearings in time is fascinating. Their ability to associate stimuli sensory responses to specific events testifies to their intelligence and adaptability.

In conclusion, it is wrong to pretend that dogs have no concept of time. They are able to associate landmarks at times of the day and anticipate certain events accordingly.

Understand this perception of time in dogs allows us to appreciate more their incredible adaptability to their environment.

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