Cliché sur les chiens

8 clichés and misconceptions about dogs

8 clichés et idées reçues sur les chiens
In this article, we'll debunk some popular misconceptions . Discover the truth behind common clichés and urban legends surrounding dogs.

Grab your dog by the scruff of the neck and shake it...

sad dog neck skin

When your dog makes a mistake, it is important to avoid certain counterproductive methods . Catch your malinois by the scruff of the neck and shake it is not only cruel, but it also creates a relationship based on domination and fear . Similarly, submit your dog by placing it on its back does not promote a healthy relationship and can even lead to aggressive behavior. It is preferable to use methods of positive reinforcement rather than physical punishment to educate your Malinois dog.

Sticking out the tongue means the dog is exhausted

It is incorrect to assume that a dog sticks out its tongue only when exhausted . Dogs use their tongue to regulate their temperature bodily And dissipate heat. Sticking out the tongue can also be a sign of concentration or excitement during physical activity. It is essential to consider other signs , such as the dog's breathing, heart rate, and overall demeanor, to assess its condition.

Relying solely on the dog's tail to gauge its emotional state

Contrary to popular belief, the mere fact that a Malinois dog wags its tail does not necessarily mean that he is happy . The movement of the tail can express different emotions, including stress . It is essential to observe all body signals of the dog, such as ears, posture and breathing, to interpret correctly his emotional state.
lying malinois ball

A dog that is on top of another is dominant.

When two dogs meet, do not trust just appearances . The relative positions of the dogs, such as which is above or below, do not determine their dominance . It is essential to consider game signals, the invitations and the global interactions between dogs to understand their dynamics. Each encounter is unique and may vary depending on the individuals involved.

A dog that growls is necessarily aggressive.

The growls of dogs should not be systematically interpreted as signs of aggression. On the contrary, grunts are a form of communication used by dogs to express their discomfort or their discontent . It is important to listen and understand these signals to avoid unwanted situations. However, this does not mean that all grunts are negative, and it is essential to take into account the overall context.

Punish your dog some time after a mistake

Dogs mainly analyze immediate actions and do not necessarily make the connection between events shifted in time . It is therefore useless and counterproductive yell at your dog to make him understand that he has done something stupid, if he is not caught in the act . It is important to remember this reality when raising your malou.

Malinois sticks out his tongue

Dogs have no concept of time

Contrary to popular belief, dogs have a some sense of time . They can recognize variations between day and night and are sensitive to daily habits of their family. Although they do not understand the precise measurements of human time, they can differentiate periods of absence shorter from longer ones. THE activities and the changes routine influence their perception of time.

Some dogs are more stubborn than others depending on their breed

It is wrong to claim that some dogs are naturally more stubborn than others based on their race. Whether a dog is "stubborn" often depends education and methods used by the referent. A dog well educated and consistently guided will generally be more responsive to commands.

Conclusion on received ideas

It is essential to challenge conventional wisdom and the clichés surrounding dogs, especially Malinois. In seeking the truth behind these erroneous beliefs, we can establish a healthier and more balanced relationship with our canine companions.

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