Éducation & Astuces

Have a Malinois who can do everything

Avoir un Malinois qui sait tout faire
When it comes to training a dog, we are often focused on finding the methods and techniques to use to make our animal work.
However, it is first essential to realize that our attitude as humans plays a fundamental role in this adventure.
Our attitude towards our dog , our level of commitment and our global approach to dog training have a direct impact on the development and well-being of our faithful malous.
malinois with his master

1 star attitude:

  • Minimize commitment and the work necessary to educate a blooming dog and well balanced
  • Believe that every malinois is born with some SKILLS and perfect behaviors , and that everything will be acquired quickly
  • Use education methods based on domination and coercion , thus neglecting the power of trust relationship
  • Lack patience , of relevance and of consistency in setting rules and boundaries for the dog
  • Underestimating socialization , thereby depriving the dog of opportunities essential learning and social development

5 Star Attitude:

  • Be aware of the importance of personal commitment and daily work to educate a dog happy and well in his paws
  • Recognize that every dog, including the Malinois , needs appropriate education and supervision to develop their full potential, and to understand that it takes time , patience and constancy
  • Adopt a approach based on communication and motivation , thus creating a learning environment happy And stimulating for the dog
  • demonstrate patience , of relevance and benevolence setting clear rules and boundaries, helping the dog to understand expectations and make the right decisions
  • Attach great importance to the socialization , in exposing the dog to a variety of situations , thus promoting healthy sociability and balanced emotional development

lying malinois

If you want a 5 star dog, start with having a 5 star attitude with him.


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