Guide complet : Les bases de l'éducation canine positive pour des chiens heureux
Accueillir un chien dans sa vie est une expérience merveilleuse. Cependant, pour établir une relation harmonieuse et durable avec votre compagnon à quatre pattes, il est essentiel de mettre en plac...

Comment préparer votre chien pour les vacances
Les vacances approchent et cette année, vous souhaitez emmener votre chien avec vous. Pour que ce voyage se déroule sans stress et dans les meilleures conditions, une bonne préparation est essentie...

Guides essentiels pour l'éducation positive de votre chiot
Accueillir un nouveau chiot dans votre vie est une expérience excitante et enrichissante. Cependant, l'éducation d'un chiot peut être un défi, mais avec des techniques positives, vous pouvez façonn...

Les Fondamentaux de l'Éducation Canine à Domicile
Les chiens peuvent être des compagnons merveilleux, mais sans une éducation appropriée, il peut être difficile de cohabiter harmonieusement. L'éducation canine à domicile est une méthode efficace p...

Sequence your commands to help your dog!
In this article, we explain how to apply a logical methodology to communicate effectively with your dog, avoiding parasitic gestures and approximate commands.

5 mistakes to avoid when recalling your dog
When you want to call your dog back, it is important to know common mistakes and avoid them establish strong communication . In this article, we will introduce you five major mistakes frequent...

The simple trick to gaining obedience
For this article, a simple trick but terribly effective to get your dog's attention . This method relies on the use of a countdown before giving your dog a command. Follow these tips to make lea...

How to boost the attention of your Malinois?
In this article, we are going to show you simple tricks to Increase your dog's attention . You will learn how to catch his eye, keep connected with you and stimulate their curiosity. With these ...

My dog picks up everything: What to do?
As a referent, it is common to encounter the problem of the dog which pick up anything and everything on the ground. Whether by instinct Or by curiosity , it can cause problems and lead to c...

Have a Malinois who can do everything
When it comes to training a dog, we are often focused on finding the methods and techniques to use to make our animal work. However, it is first essential to realize that our attitude as h...

How to catch the eye of your Malinois?
The gaze of the Malinois, in addition to being incredibly intense, is an essential element in its education. It lets you know if he is attentive and receptive to your instructions.