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Avoir un Malinois quand on est une femme

Having a Malinois when you are a woman

 When my spouse and I decided to adopt a Malinois , I never asked myself the question of whether, as a woman , I was going to be adept at handling such a powerful dog.

Bien être & SantéTout ce que vous devez savoir sur le malinois

Everything you need to know about Malinois

The Malinois is an exceptionally intelligent dog , which greatly facilitates his learning. But to guide him properly, and as a responsible owner, it is crucial to be relevant on a daily basis . ...

PhilosophieLa marche au pied pendant des heures, la fierté absolue ?

Walking on foot for hours, absolute pride?

Since when did it become a source of pride to have a dog that walks all the time? In the past, having a dog that constantly heeled was rarely considered a great achievement. Dogs were s...

Éducation & AstucesAvoir un Malinois qui sait tout faire

Have a Malinois who can do everything

When it comes to training a dog, we are often focused on finding the methods and techniques to use to make our animal work. However, it is first essential to realize that our attitude as h...