Our Team Ambassador!

Unconditional love

Our ambassadors are driven by an immeasurable love for their dogs. They embody the spirit of Bad Doggies every day by celebrating the beauty, loyalty and joy that our companions bring into our lives.

Contagious Passion

Bad Doggies Ambassadors all have a unique story to share. From outdoor adventures to cozy times at home, their dogs are an integral part of their lives. They share these moments with you on their networks.

Respect and Kindness

Respect between humans and dogs is at the heart of our philosophy. They convey caring values ​​and are united by the conviction that our common passion can have a positive impact on the canine world.

Do you want to become an Ambassador?

We are actively looking for Ambassadors for new races 🌟

So, if your dog belongs to a breed that is not yet present at Bad Doggies, you can apply to join us 🌟

Ultimately, we intend to represent as many races as possible 🐶