Vrai ou Faux

A lick = a kiss: True or false?

Une léchouille = un bisou: Vrai ou faux ?
You may have heard that when a dog licks his master , he kisses him. Well, think again ! The reality is a little different of this popular idea. Although it might happen sometimes, it doesn't. in most situations . So why do dogs lick us?
It exists several simple explanations to this behavior. Sometimes a dog licks his master's skin for the salty taste she may have after sweating. He can also trying to get your attention by licking you.
malinois kisses

The dog can also give you licks to ask for food Or to reassure in applicant her smell on you. Moreover, when you feel emotions intense, your dog may try to understand them by licking your skin. He tries so capture your emotions , whether it's anger , sadness , of joy or other .

In reality, THE licking and more generally language use are means of communication for dogs. They allow them to better understand their environment And to interact with you . So even if these are not not always kisses literally, it's a way for them to communicate and express feelings.

malinois kisses and hug

So the next time your Malinois licks you, remember that he's looking to establish a connection and/or to to understand This that YOU feel . It's his way good to him to communicate with you.

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