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Mon chien ramasse tout: Que Faire ?
Éducation & Astuces

My dog ​​picks up everything: What to do?

As a referent, it is common to encounter the problem of the dog which pick up anything and everything on the ground. Whether by instinct Or by curiosity , it can cause problems and lead to c...

Éducation & AstucesAvoir un Malinois qui sait tout faire

Have a Malinois who can do everything

When it comes to training a dog, we are often focused on finding the methods and techniques to use to make our animal work. However, it is first essential to realize that our attitude as h...

Éducation & AstucesComment capter le regard de votre Malinois ?

How to catch the eye of your Malinois?

The gaze of the Malinois, in addition to being incredibly intense, is an essential element in its education. It lets you know if he is attentive and receptive to your instructions.