Éducation & Astuces

The simple trick to gaining obedience

L’astuce simple pour gagner en obéissance
For this article, a simple trick but terribly effective to get your dog's attention . This method relies on the use of a countdown before giving your dog a command. Follow these tips to make learning easier and more fun for you and your malou.

Count to three to capture attention

The main idea of ​​this trick is to use a countdown to signal to your dog that a request will follow . For example, by saying "1, 2, 3", you indicate to your Malinois that he must be attentive, because after the “3” there will be an instruction . This allows to stimulate his awakening And to prepare him to obey at your command.
sitting order malinois

Use upbeat vocal tones

When performing the countdown, it is essential to do so with a cheerful and positive voice . The objective is to arouse your dog's interest and of make him want to listen carefully. By using enthusiastic vocal tones, you strengthen the emotional connection with your dog and make the exercise more playful .

Variations in instructions

It's important to vary the instructions after the countdown. For example, you can ask your Malinois to sit, bark, or come close. By avoiding to always repeat the same word , you maintain attention of your dog and strengthen its capacity to understand and obey different commands.

Positive reinforcement

When your dog responds correctly to the instruction after the countdown, reward him immediately with praise, hugs or play. Positive reinforcement reinforces desired behaviors and encourage your Malinois to continue to be attentive . Be clear in your approach to promote constant progress in learning.

gaze of malinois

Progression and deconditioning

It is important to note that this method is a login tool . Don't use it on every interaction so as not to condition your malou. This trick allows you to make you stimulating and therefore to keep the dog's attention, but he must be able to respond to commands without the countdown .


Using the countdown to capture attention of your Malinois, you facilitate the education and strengthen the connection between you and your dog. This fun trick allows to engage your dog in learning and develops its focus .

Don't forget to use upbeat vocal tones and of positively reinforce every success of your dog. continue to practice this trick regularly for optimal results.

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