Rest each other and take turns

Developing harmonious communication
Communication is essential in dog training. By being two, you have the opportunity to discuss and set up educational strategies together. This promotes consistency in the instructions given, thus avoiding any confusion for your Malinois. Moreover, it allows to share your observations and take informed decisions about his learning.
Strengthen family cohesion
The education of a dog is also an opportunity to strengthen family cohesion . By including all family members in the process, you create closer bonds and share a common responsibility . Children can also learn the importance of respect , of patience and empathy for animals.
Promoting consistency and complementarity
Parenting together promotes constancy within established rules and limits . By working together, you can be more vigilant about enforcing guidelines and correcting unwanted behavior. Moreover, each person brings different skills and qualities , which allows a complementary approach and a better adaptation to the specific needs of your dog.
In short…
It's time to end to the received idea according to which a malinois, or that a dog in general, can only have one master ! Education in pairs offers many advantages, particularly in terms of rest, harmonious communication, family cohesion and educational constancy .
If you are considering adopting a malinois or any other dog, don't hesitate to get involved in this great adventure. The results in terms of bonding with your pet and mutual fulfillment will be rewarding!
So, are you ready to train your dog together?