Éducation & Astuces

Sequence your commands to help your dog!

Séquencez vos ordres pour aider votre chien!
In this article, we explain how to apply a logical methodology to communicate effectively with your dog, avoiding parasitic gestures and approximate commands.
malinois in the snow

Getting your dog's attention

The first step for effective communication is to make sure to have the attention of your loulou . Using your dog's name before giving the command, you get his attention and create a solid foundation for communications.

Tip: During your daily walks, have fun saying your dog's first name. If he looks at you for his name, reward him! The goal is for him to take the reflex to look at you at each arrest.

Use clear and consistent orders

When giving a command to your dog, use a clear and coherent word . For example, say "Draco, down" precisely, in avoiding unwanted gestures where the approximate orders . Clear communication will help him understand what you expect from him.

Tip: If your dog does not carry out the requested command, keep the same word and tone and do not give up until your dog has responded to your request.

malinois cross husky

Positively validate the behavior

Once your dog has executed the requested command, it is important to positively validate his behavior. This can be done by offering him a reward, such as a ball, a treat, giving him a pet, or simply using your voice. to express your satisfaction . The validation will strengthen the association between the given command and the reward, thus encouraging your dog to reproduce the desired behavior.
Tip: The timing of the reward is very important. Praise your dog the second the full command is executed.

Repeat and reinforce learning

Repetition is essential for your dog's learning. Repeat attention sequence , of order and of validation several times so that your dog clearly assimilates what you expect from him. Repetition reinforce learning and facilitate understanding of your dog.

Use additional tools if necessary

If your dog encounters difficulties to execute the order, you can use additional tools such as a lanyard to accompany him in exercise or to attract his attention with noises or toys. However, be careful not to rely solely on these tools and maintain clear communication with specific orders. You have to remain the point of reference for your dog . It is you who communicate with your malou and not the toys!

malinois long ride

By applying a clear methodology to sequencing of requests , you will be able to communicate precise and efficient way with your Malinois (or any other breed)!

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