Éducation & Astuces

How to boost the attention of your Malinois?

Comment renforcer l’attention de votre Malinois ?
In this article, we are going to show you simple tricks to Increase your dog's attention . You will learn how to catch his eye, keep connected with you and stimulate their curiosity. With these practical tips, you can establish a closer relationship with your faithful loulou.

Create new stimuli

Dogs are naturally attracted to novelty. To keep their attention, it is essential to create new and intriguing situations . Speak in a different way, use unfamiliar words, change your pitch, or even speak in another language. This linguistic diversity will give rise to your dog's interest and will keep it concentrate on you rather than the environment.
malinois sitting and attentive

Play with known words

Your dog is used to the words you use frequently, and some of them may lose their effect . To avoid this, use familiar words unexpectedly in the middle of your sentences. For example, if your dog reacts strongly to the word "buddy", subtly incorporate it into a conversation. That will capture his attention and strengthen their connection with you.

The importance of timing

Timing is crucial in building your dog's attentiveness. Watch it carefully and spot the times when his interest begins to wane or when he turns away. It is at this precise moment that you must use a keyword or stimulus to bring it back to you. For example, if your dog begins to wander away, say the word "basket" or "toy" to arouse his interest . This will entice him to come back to you and keep his attention.

Reward as a means of reinforcement

rewards play an essential role in boosting your dog's attentiveness. When he focuses on you and reacts positively to your stimuli, offer him play, caresses or praise. This will reinforce his behavior and encourage him to be attentive . However, be careful not to reward "too much", in order to maintain a balance in learning.
 Strengthening your Malinois dog's attentiveness is essential for a full relationship and a good education . By using new stimuli, known words in unexpected ways, being mindful of timing, and offering rewards, you can improve the connection with your dog.
malinois swimming in water
Don't forget to explore other articles on our site to complete these tips. Enjoy fun learning moments with your Malinois and watch the magic of the connection that is growing between the two of you.

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