Mistake #1: Reach out to the dog when he comes back

Mistake #2: Praising your dog too quickly
When your dog comes back to you, it's tempting to congratulate him immediately , even if he has not yet fully returned. However, this can trick your dog to stop before reaching the final destination. Wait for your dog is completely back before warmly congratulating him.
Mistake #3: Not maintaining the position at the foot
If you have taught your dog to heel, it is important to maintain this position until he achieves this goal . Don't let it stop near you and start again . Guide him gently to the desired position to reinforce his recall as a stable behavior.
Mistake #4: Reprimand the dog when it stops
If your dog does a spontaneous break during the recall, avoid reprimanding him. Instead of that, use positive encouragement to motivate him to keep coming back to you. Increase the encouragement and rewards for strengthen his desire to return.
Mistake #5: Give up when the dog marks a stop
When your dog pauses during the recall, it's important to stay determined and responsive. It shall really not leave our order abandoned , nor stay still or frozen . Stay dynamic And encouraging , using verbal encouragement and movement (walking away) to encourage him to continue to you.
By avoiding these five common mistakes, you can significantly improve recall with your dog. Keep in mind the importance of clarity in your gestures, positive encouragement, and attention to your dog when he comes back to you.
With with practice and patience , you will establish a communication consistent with your faithful companion!